Search Statistics for Región Apurímac

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Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 153 15.90% 311.68
2 10 147 15.28% 0.01
3 author_keyword:Ojeda Cuaresma, Miriam 92 9.56% 0.00
4 subject_keyword:Declaración de monumento 92 9.56% 0.00
5 dateIssued_keyword:2001 86 8.94% 0.00
6 subject_keyword: 80 8.32% 0.00
7 r'7"nx 25 2.60% 0.00
8 ' 24 2.49% 0.00
9 ' 24 2.49% 0.00
10 r'7"nx 24 2.49% 0.00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
962 100.00% 0.00

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